Friday 4 May 2012


Headed back into mountains again today and away for 6 hours, I was away with the birds so to speak, the mountains are so peaceful and may have more in common with the ocean than I thought, respect for both goes without saying-I did make the snow line again today and have the pics to show.
Language, is a drawback, very very little English, mostly Catalan, some Spanish and less French but one Aussie word has managed to infiltrate... Have a guess? Here's a clue.. Footwear, you got it, the dreaded Ugg Boot has no Fashion Predator here and there they sitting proudly in the shop window, they may become the McDonalds of the footwear industry but at a slightly higher price(in both senses of the word)
Hit the road tomorrow and it will be adios to Catalunya and Bonjour to France - I think the run off in Presidential Election is taking place this week-end. TV show huge celebration in Madrid for Real but little coverage here..I can't manage to stay away from politics

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